You’re Free!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free…Galatians 5:1

Try to imagine your life without expectations. Not just financial expectations, like what your projected salary in five years will be. Bigger than that. Much bigger. Like the expectations placed on “productive members of society”. Or the expectations you have for yourself as a good spouse. Or the expectations your parents have for you in order to be proud of who you are. Now, remove them. It may seem nearly impossible, but imagine yourself living in the pure, unadulterated identity of Christ, with His expectation only: “Be Free.”

I’m not suggesting we should drop out of high school and sit on the couch our whole lives, nor am I suggesting sin. Being free is not an excuse to sin, for you will only place yourself in bondage again. My conviction flows from a place of desiring to hear God’s voice more loudly than the others. What if His expectations for you are more important than the expectations of those around you? Would you be working the job you’re in? Would you have gotten your degree in something else? Would you have gotten a degree at all? Would you be more joyful? Would you be more confident? Would you be so stressed? Where would you be living? Who would you be noticing? What would you be praying for?

You were crucified with Christ. You no longer live, Christ lives in you. Galatians 2:20 blows my mind. It seems there are many Christians walking around, already crucified and full of Christ, but trying to get back on the cross and reincarnate their old identity as a man or woman of the world. The Kingdom of Heaven is theirs, yet they feel anxiety about disappointing the world. The crucified Christ lives in their shell, yet they must make a life for themselves. They have an opportunity to store up loads and loads of riches in Heaven, but the riches of this Earth are their focus and concern. We are set free, yet we turn off our love from 9-5 and turn on a “me first” mentality. We have been given the greatest commission ever: “Go! Love People! Showcase my power! Tell them how much I love them! Share the greatest love story and don’t forget the ending! I’m coming soon! Can’t wait to spend eternity with you, My Bride!” We have been told we will always be provided for, always be loved, always be clothed, and never have to worry. Wow, that sounds like a dream! But, it’s our reality, as Believers. Yet, we choose the world. Unreal.

Don’t wait another minute. Is the Lord inviting you overseas to love someone you haven’t met yet? Go! Quit your job tomorrow, I dare you. Whatever He’s invited you to, consider how amazing saying yes would be, rather than worrying about the unknowns.  Ask Him what His best is. Decide to find out for yourself if it’s really He who has been providing for you all along, or if you’re actually responsible for yourself. Return to your First Love, obey Him. Realize that you’re dead and start really living. Smile at the wise of the world and pray for their salvation, rather than requesting their opinion; it will never be more important than the opinion of the God of the universe. Trust Him.


My Name is Not “Emotional Wreck”

I’ll admit, I’m a bit emotional. If I were to be very honest, I’d have to say there are many days I’m much more emotional than the average woman. And yes, sometimes my emotions don’t seem controllable and often play into decisions I make. I believe experiencing lots of or intense emotions can sometimes be the negative side of a gift of compassion, but God doesn’t give us gifts to burden us. His gifts are good and the fruit of them should be also. So, when I experience emotions that seem overwhelming or uncontrollable, I’ve started to learn that that usually means somewhere, even in the tiniest place in my heart, I’m not trusting that God is in control.  Is God mad about it? Nope, I’m still swimming in an ocean of grace. However, that’s no excuse to sin by doubting Him.

Okay, so, for example: My employment is transitioning (as in, I’ll be unemployed at the end of this month),  I do not currently have a vehicle, the house I live in is for sale, I’m recently engaged and also praying about a church home. Is this a lot of change? Mmm, yep. Do I typically handle change in a way that shows I love being fully dependent on God (i.e. I trust Him)? Nope. So, recently I found myself truly unable to handle my emotions. I hinted to a friend about coming to spend the night so I would feel comforted (she did, I have amazingly supportive community). The next day I began to fear I was on the brink of a panic attack while mopping the floor. These are not signs of trust in God. I know the world says this kind of thing happens, but I find it hard to believe that anxiety and a desire to control exists in the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s just not our portion as believers. So, my boss/spiritual mom/mentor had a very blatant, encouraging talk with me. In short, she led me to question why I wasn’t trusting God to provide for me. She encouraged me to understand that there is something He’d like to speak to me in the midst of this transition, if I would listen. She helped me to remember that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and is perfectly capable of providing for all of my needs, emotional needs included. She led me to consider that all of this change was probably happening at the same time according to God’s will, and probably there was some fruit that could be produced in this season, some freedom from anxiety and fear that is not my portion. 

So, since this is such a life altering revelation for me, I could not possibly keep from sharing it. I found myself crying and laughing on my knees, repenting for my lack of trust and giggling over how silly I was to distrust that I was in the midst of God’s will for my life. It was beautiful to have that time with the Lord, to feel free, to see my life as His and not my own. I have, once again, been transformed by the renewing of my mind and I am so grateful for a God who loves to free me from deeply rooted bondage, like anxiety and fear. He’s awesome.

Before I wrap it up, I would like to give God one more loud trumpet. He truly is loving, so full of grace. In the midst of my distrust, He has begun to heal a tooth of mine which has caused me pain and problems for years. Truly, this is an amazing miracle. One of my front teeth has seemed to have some kind of fracture in it for years, which half the dentists I visit seem to acknowledge and the other half do not. This tooth has been extremely sensitive to hot and cold, aching all the time and is slightly loose when I try to move it. I recently got an NTI for my grinding issues (sort of like a night guard), which has caused continued pain. Also, the tooth is set farther back than my other front tooth and discolored, according to my most recent dentist, along with the tooth next to it. So, I’m afraid of having a “snaggle tooth” in the future or needing to take this tooth out and replace it (told you I have a tendency to worry/control/be emotional!). A couple days ago I was reading in Matthew with a young lady I mentor and read Matthew 7:7-8, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (NLT) I was so super encouraged to continue to pray for my tooth and no joke I woke up the next day with no pain, my tooth noticeably physically strengthened, no aching and almost no sensitivity at all when I tap on it and none that I’ve noticed while eating or drinking. WHOAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I have had no pain after wearing my NTI each night since, and the tooth even seems to be more even with my other front tooth. Yes, the Lord chose to encourage and begin to heal me in the midst of my disbelief because He loves me. It’s not about what I do, He’s not mad or disappointed, that’s what grace is all about and He’s wonderful and such a great encourager. 

***Update: I wrote this blog last week and since then I have had minimal to no pain in my tooth. The Lord continues to strengthen it and I will be fully healed!

So, I declare healing and freedom over you as you read this. God loves you. If there is something you’re not trusting God with,  I ask that He would reveal it to you so you can receive amazing peace and dependence on God that is your portion in every single area of your life. I declare physical healing over your body. No matter how large or small the physical ailment is you may be experiencing, Jesus’ blood covers it and as a child of God it’s not your portion. Let Your Kingdom come, Father God!